A long-distance relationship may be challenging, but thanks to technology, it is possible to stay connected while apart. With commitment, creativity, trust, communication, and a shared vision for the future, you can maintain a strong, healthy relationship despite the distance.

12 Long-Distance Relationship Tips

Listed below are twelve long-distance relationship tips to help you stay connected.

Embrace technology

Technology can help you maintain your connection by enabling you to share your life through texts, the internet, and video calls such as Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime. It also has apps you can use to watch movies together online, play games, or even take a virtual tour.

Set ground rules

Share your schedules so you know when it is or is not a good time to call. Plan ahead for video chats and set ground rules so you can be on the same page as to when and how often you will call. Find a schedule that works for both of you and be flexible when life gets busy. When possible, be open to adjusting your plans and commitments to make room for quality online time together.

Establish clear boundaries

Boundaries can help build trust and respect. Be open and honest with one another about your needs and feelings, and set fair, realistic expectations.

Communicate regularly

Send each other short good morning and good night texts, and schedule regular calls or video chats to share your thoughts, feelings, and daily experiences. When you are having a problem, talk to your partner about it. Listen mindfully to him or her to make sure they feel heard and validated, and make a point of being there for each other even when you are not physically there.

Chat about the little things

Chatting about the little things in your day can help you feel more involved in each other’s lives and reduce the feeling of distance. Keep each other in the loop by sharing things like what you are reading or watching on TV, and sharing photos or video clips, as well as funny memes or links to articles you think your partner might enjoy.

Trust each other

Always be truthful with one another and don’t let jealousy contaminate your relationship by being quick to jump to conclusions or expect the worst if your partner doesn’t text back right away or misses a scheduled call. Give them the benefit of the doubt and be forgiving. Write down your concerns and calmly and rationally discuss them the next time you connect.

Focus on the positives

Keep your eye on the big picture and think of the things you can be thankful for, such as having more time to pursue personal projects, hanging out with friends and family, doing your own thing, and working on becoming the best you can be.

Have something to look forward to together

Make a bucket list together, and have dates on your calendar you can both look forward to such as a planned trip, a special celebration, or an end date for when your separation will be over and one of you will move back to the other.

Plan regular visits

When possible, plan regular, in-person visits to maintain your physical connection and help remind you why you are enduring the distance.

Have a tangible reminder of your partner

Keep tangible, personal reminders of your partner around such as pictures of the two of you, an article of clothing with his or her scent on it, a favorite mug, or a treasured memento.

Use snail mail

Surprise your partner from time to time with a handwritten note, cards, or even small gifts or care packages just to show you are thinking of them.

Engage in together-apart activities

Find creative ways to bond while sharing activities that are easy to do while FaceTiming or Skyping, such as going for walks while sharing texts and pictures along the way, exercising, watching a sunrise or sunset together if you are in the same time zone, or even doing your grocery shopping or laundry together.

You can also replicate a date night by, for example, attending a virtual event together, cooking the same meal, live-streaming the process for each other, and then eating together over Zoom or other video chat.

If you have questions or feel you need more help than what this article on long-distance relationship tips could provide, please don’t hesitate to give our office a call at Laguna Christian Counseling in California.

“Cornflowers at Sunset”, Unsplash.com, CC0 License